Estonian e-Residency Kit Unboxing, how does it look like?

Estonian e-Residency Kit Unboxing, how does it look like?

Are you excited about the idea of establishing a company in Estonia or making transactions inside the European Union? Before we decide which kind of company it should be, we have to apply for its e-Residency program to become this card (which to make things clear, it is not an identification card). Once we are accepted, we will get the Estonian e-Residency kit to be picked up at an embassy or at a pickup location. Let's take a look at the unboxing of this kit and what is brings with. Background, what is an Estonian e-Residency? Estonian e-Residency is a…
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First Steps of your new Estonian e-Residency

First Steps of your new Estonian e-Residency

What to do after you have received your Estonian e-Residency digital identity card? In this short post, let's review which first steps do we have to do with your new electronic identity card, like downloading the proper software, reading the card with your computer and forwarding important e-mail newsletter from the Estonian state. Let's start. Download the Software is the website where all things related with your e-Residency digital identity card software is located. In your browser go to ID download center to find the proper app for your operating system. DigiDoc4 Client It is an app that you…
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